What I have accomplished

What I have accomplished
Pencil Code:
I used coffeescript in pencilcode in order to create mutliple different programs.  One of them was a flashcard assignment in which we had to have a random flashcard show up after getting a correct answer on the first random flashcard.  If the answer was incorrect the person would have to retry until they got the right answer.  It would also tell them the answer so they would be able to move on. Coffeescript, although, a very basic programming language was incredibly fun to use.

Image result for Arduino
After using multiple wires to make a flashing light, I used another light bulb to create a sequence in which one light would go on while the other would be off and then the other light would go and and the first light would go off.  This sequence had two buttons which either sped up or slowed down the flashing of the lights.  After accomplishing this project, I wanted to create a stoplight type model.  I used one red, orange, and green light bulb.  Whenever one button was pressed, the red light, which was on, would go off.  After 1,000 milliseconds, the orange light would go on and then after 1,000 milliseconds it would go off.  Then the green light would come on after 1,000 milliseconds and then for 10,000 milliseconds, the light would stay green before going back to red light a stop light where the person pressed the button to cross the street. 
The next task was for me to get a potentiometer and get the arduino to send different amounts of voltage through the potentiometer every time I turned it in a certain direction. My final task with the arduino was getting the micro servo to turn one way and then the other.


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